Summer is a wonderful season in Iceland with 24 hour daylight from June until August. Many Icelanders use blackout curtains in this period in order to sleep, but for some it's just a matter of getting use to it. There is something gratifying about going to bed when it is still light -however, many travelers like to use eye masks. The season is short and in September, summer is over, although you may still get some beautiful days, if you´re lucky.
Like the rest of the year, the weather can be unpredictable, and change very often. Average temperatures are around 10 degrees and rarely exceed 20 degrees. In some places, especially in the highlands, it can be very cold, even in summer; it´s a good idea to carry a good coat, gloves and hat in your suitcase,just to be on the safe side. Take light and comfortable clothing that you can put on and remove easily; it makes sense in the unreliable Icelandic weather to dress like an "onion" with several layers.
Camping, wearing shorts, climbing to the top of a mountain at three in the morning, do as much of the stuff you can‘t do in the winter! Enjoy the midnight sun from the north of Iceland, especially on the island of Grimsey. Walk and hike! Access to The highlands of Iceland is only available in high season, around early July to early September. It is not recommended to cross the highlands by rental car, but you can take a bus or enjoy guided tours.
Enjoy one of the many art and music festivals that take place around the country. In the summer there are many different festivals and events for everyone to enjoy. Some of the biggest days on the Icelandic event calender are: Marine Day (first weekend in June, all around Iceland), the national Day June 17th, St. John's Day, traders (first weekend August). There are also many festivals like the Secret Solstice (during the solstice in June, Reykjavík), Eistnaflug (Neskaupstaður, early July), Blue north (Ólafsfjörður early July) Folk Festival Siglufjörður (early July), family festival Hrísey (mid-July), Vopnafjörður Festival (late June-early July), steampunk Bíldudalur Festival (late June), Viking festival Gásir (July) Akureyravaka (anniversary of the city of Akureyri last weekend of August ), the feast of fish Dalvik (August), Gay pride and Culture night (Reykjavik, August), and so on ...
There is also a lot of animal life to appreciate! Puffins are easy to spot around the coastline as they make Iceland their home from May to mid August. Go whale watching in the south or the north of Iceland. Try to spot foxes or polar reindeer .. . Iceland is also a paradise for bird lovers.
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